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What it means to be a “Milt”

Our core purpose at Hershey Entertainment & Resorts (HE&R) is to provide value to Milton Hershey School (MHS), the largest home and school in the world, as it continues to provide opportunities for children in need.

HE&R provides both financial and human support in countless ways; one of which is an internship program. Leah, a senior at MHS, spent some time with the Human Resources and Communications teams this past summer. While she was interning with the Communications Team, she had the opportunity to write for Stories.HersheyPA.com. On the eve of Milton S. Hershey’s 159th birthday, Leah shares why she loves being a “Milt.”

Top 10 Reasons Why I Like Being a “Milt”

  1. Build lifelong relationships: Being a “Milt” means that I get to know my peers on a personal level where they start to feel like family. I grew up with them in a house setting and made memories that will last forever.
  2. Learn to be independent: I learned how to clean up after myself at a young age and ultimately take care of myself so I don't always have to depend on other people.
  3. Prepares me for my future: The school is always telling us to keep the end in mind and think about our future because they want us to succeed.
  4. I get a scholarship: I love how the school gives me the opportunity to earn a scholarship. I get to earn up to $80,000 that will cover the cost of going to college and earning a four year degree in the career path of my choosing.
  5. People support me: People at the school are always encouraging us to do better and supporting us in anything that we do. If I ever need help with something I know I can go to any adult on campus and they would be there for me regardless of the situation.
  6. I get to experience a unique school setting: I like how the school is diverse and I get to experience all different types of people every day. I live with my classmates and adults whose job it is to make sure I do what I'm supposed to.
  7. I get opportunities I would never have had before: Before I came to the school my parents wouldn't have been able to afford the activities or opportunities I’m given at MHS.
  8. Taught me how to interact with people in a respectful manner: The school teaches us mutual respect and how to interact with people in different settings.
  9. I get certifications in my career pathway: Each career pathway allows us to earn different certifications that help us succeed in that area.
  10. The school sets me up for success: Even though I might not always like following all the rules, the school really does have my best interest in mind and always wants me to succeed.