10:38 AM

Celebrate Motherhood at The Spa at The Hotel Hershey – in The Sweetest Place on Earth

This post originally appeared on TheChattyMomma.com

Motherhood is a beautiful thing. I think we can all agree that once you become a mom you grow an awareness in the world about things way bigger than you ever imagined. Being responsible for raising children and taking care of their every need is a huge responsibility and it takes a very special woman to be willing to do it.

We don’t say it enough (to our own mothers) and we sometimes don’t hear it enough, but moms who are doing a great job deserve thanks. Unfortunately, we forget to focus on how moms should be honored and appreciated. Especially since moms hardly take credit for anything that we do.

We don’t toot our own horns and we certainly don’t expect to receive praises about everything. We just roll with the punches and take care of things as best as we know how day after day. At some point we can feel a bit tired and we get worn out. It’s a hard job being there for everyone all the time, and there’s rarely a day off. I can tell you from personal experiences (and perhaps you agree) a little thanks can go a long way.

Sometimes a thank you can be just those simple words. Sometimes it can be flowers or candy. And sometimes thank you is allowing moms to have a time off. All of these things make a difference.

To read the full story, click here.

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