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Forbes: Hersheypark Makes It Easy For Consumers To Share

Imagine – you are hiking along a wooded trail and suddenly reach a large waterfall and a beautiful field of wildflowers. You feel at peace with every glance. What’s the first thing you want to do? Meditate, read a book, or take a swim? How many of you would open your phone and snap a picture to share with your friends? Our guess, a lot of you!

According to Forbes.com, consumers “‘travel for the experience, the engagements,’ experiences which they then share with their family and peers through social media and email.” In other words, Forbes.com believes that consumers share photographs to “achieve social status.” With this being said, Forbes.com believes that it’s absolutely necessary for companies and organizations to make their content “shareworthy,” not just with links or branded imagery, but with content that the consumers want to share and feel really passionate about.

So, why are we mentioning this “phenomenon” on Stories.HersheyPA.com? Forbes.com believes that we are one of the few companies that have learned to accept the consumer’s desires and really develop content to please them:

“Consider how the venerable, 110-year-old, Hersheypark theme park encourages visitors to share by providing a portfolio of 13 attractive Instagram-friendly locations. These go beyond the predictable spots within the theme park to also include locations that might be missed by the casual visitor: the trellised roses in bloom at Hershey Gardens, the Water Works waterpark at Hershey Lodge, even the prairie dog dens at the ZooAmerica sister property.”

We truly enjoy seeing the beautiful photos that our consumers take and are delighted that they can share their #HersheyparkHappy days in #HersheyPA with us.

For more “shareworthy” content, please browse Stories.HersheyPA.com, and to read the full story on Forbes.com, please click here.